Milky Way Farm

The Giles county countryside is looking beautiful as ever as the leaves turn and autumn greets us. This is a great time of year to visit our neighbors down the road, MILKY WAY FARM, so we thought we would tell you about them and take you on a little tour.

Gravel driveway curving to the left, lined with a few trees turning orange and gold in the fall weather.        Dirt driveway through a field on the Milky Way Farms with a view of the tree-lined gravel driveway up to the manor house.

Milky Way Farm is indeed named for the dreamy, chocolate, caramel-filled Milky Way Candy Bar. Frank C. Mars, founder of Mars Candies, was responsible for the success of the candy bar through the 1930s during the Great Depression.  During that time, he purchased land in Giles County, Tennessee and continued to build a large operation that included hundreds of workers, prized Hereford cattle and Thoroughbred horses that were settled on vast, lush acres of impressive barns and breathtaking views.  The farm was one of the largest magnolia plantations in the south, and it had its own railway stop to transport product.

View of the surrounding autumn hills, trees, and fields around Milky Way Farm in Giles County, TN.        Distant view of the old white-painted fences and racetrack on the Milky Way Farm in Giles County, TN.   Aged black and white photograph of the Milky Way Farm from about 1930 to 1933. One of the elegant horse barns on the Milky Way Farms in Giles County TN, white walls with a green roof and green window trimming.        Inside view of the chandelier-lit horse barn on Milky Way Farms with a horse head peeking over a stall door to the right.

Frank Mars, unfortunately, died just a few years after purchasing the property and never saw the full potential of the farm that continued to run under the careful eye of his wife, Ethel. As a thriving horse breeding farm, they produced the 1940 Kentucky Derby winner, Gallahadion. Then in 1945, Ethel Mars passed away, the farm was sold, and the Milky Way Farm operation declined.


Thankfully new blood has brought it back to life.  The property is now owned by Charles Jones and his daughter Lynn Golden who have worked hard to revitalize the historic structures. Their words say it best, “We sincerely want to be good stewards of this historic landmark, using the farm to honor the God who created its beauty while maintaining the legacy of its founder to re-ignite the pride and fond memories of those who have worked to make the farm a Tennessee treasure.”

At the heart of this homestead is the 25,000 sq. ft. Tudor Revival manor house designed with incredible architecture and detail and everything grand. Big bedrooms (20 of them), 14 bathrooms, a main room with a hearth reaching to the sky and a dining room fit for a king, which boasts an eating table that measures 28ft x 12ft. The historic farm provides a perfect backdrop for an unforgettable storybook wedding or inspiring retreat.

Milky Way manor house with beautiful stone work and dark stained wooden beams and accents.        Milky Way manor house with hay bales and pumpkins in the foreground and a calico cat walking across the ground to the left. Inside the main room of the Milky Way manor house with a stone chimney and fireplace, with a view of the huge dining room and table in the background on the left.        40-person table in the massive dining room inside the manor house of the Milky Way Farm.

Today Milky Way Farm operates as a special event and retreat facility, hosting various events for the public throughout the year. The historic property spans over 1,000 acres of pastureland and rolling hills with a few choice spots to take in a view for miles.


Every January, our Col. Littleton staff enjoys a special breakfast at the big table. Once the rush of the Christmas season is over, we take time to appreciate the great year we had and to welcome in the new year.

Colonel Littleton staff seated at the large dining room table eating breakfast at the Milky Way Farm.

For more information on Milky Way Farm:

Availability & Event Scheduling – (931) 808-2281
General Information – info@milkywayfarm.org
520 Milky Way Rd. • Pulaski, TN 38478


We’ve never heard of anyone complaining about a drive to the country. Milky Way Farm is a magnificent setting with that fresh country air that is good for the soul.

Come on down!